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Grilled Vegan Kabobs

Grilled Vegan Kabobs

Total Time: 30 Minutes Prep Time: 15 Minutes Cook Time: 15 minutes Servings: 5

1 baby eggplant
1 zucchini
3 petite sweet red peppers
3 shishito peppers
1/3 cup of mirin

Additional Requirements


1. Chop zucchini and eggplant into small chunks. Place in a shallow bowl and pour mirin over vegetables. Mix well and let soak for approximately 5 minutes.

2. Cut peppers into fine rounds and set aside.

3. Arrange the vegetables in the order of your preference on the skewers. I prefer to the order of red pepper, eggplant, shishito, zucchini, red pepper.

4. Place slightly off to the side of the flames and cook each side for approximately 7 minutes, or until the vegetables have softened. Alternatively, you can also heat a large frying pan to medium-high heat and cook for 7 minutes each side.

5. Serve immediately.

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