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Lentil Soup with Turmeric

Lentil Soup with Turmeric

Total Time: 35 Minutes | Prep Time: 10 Minutes | Cook Time: 25 Minutes | Servings: 1

1 cup of raw lentils
1/2 cup of veggie stock
1 tbsp of turmeric

1. Rinse and strain lentils. Add to a medium sized pot and cover with water.

2. Bring lentils to a boil and cook for approximately 20 minutes, or until all water has evaporated.

3. Once lentils have cooled, add to a blender along with veggie stock and turmeric. Blend until smooth.

4. Pour and enjoy!

Side note: this is a lighter, spring version of the recipe. To make thick and creamy, reduce the amount of vegetable stock or omit completely.


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