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Vegan Crunchwrap

Vegan Crunchwrap

Total Time: 25 Minutes | Prep Time: 10 Minutes | Cook Time: 15 Minutes | Servings: 4

1 tbsp of sunflower oil
3/4 tsp of garlic powder
3/4 tsp of onion powder
5 tortillas
1 cup of cooked lentils
1 tbsp of nutritional yeast
2 tbsps of reduced sodium soy sauce
2 cups of vegan cheese
1/2 cup of almond milk
1/2 cup of shredded lettuce
4 tomatoes

1. Preheat oven to 400F.

2. In a small bowl, combine 1 tbsp of sunflower oil, 1/4 tsp of garlic powder, and 1/4 tsp of onion powder. Mix well.

3. Drizzle a baking sheet with a small amount of sunflower oil. Add 1 tortilla to a baking pan and brush bowl sides with sunflower mixture. Bake for 10 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool.

4. Add lentils, 1/2 tsp of garlic powder, 1/2 tsp of onion powder, nutritional yeast and soy sauce to a pan. Saute for 10 minutes on medium heat.

5. Add vegan cheese and almond milk to a small pot. Melt on low heat for 10 minutes.

6. Once tortilla has cooled, crumble into small bits. Slice tomatoes and shred lettuce.

7. When ready to serve, add lentils to one side of a tortilla. Top with melted cheese, crumbled tortilla, shredded lettuce and tomato slices. Add to a frying pan and toast each side lightly.


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