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Vegan Hot Dogs

Vegan Hot Dogs

Total Time: 2 Hour and 10 Minutes | Prep Time: 1 Hour and 10 Minutes | Cook Time: 1 Hour | Servings: 4

4 carrots
4 vegan hot dog buns
1 tsp of sunflower oil
1/2 cup of water
3 tbsps of reduced sodium soy sauce
1 tsp of liquid smoke
1 tsp of onion powder
1 tsp of garlic powder


1. In a baking dish, add water, soy sauce, liquid smoke, onion powder, and garlic powder. Mix well.

2. Add in 4 peeled, whole carrots. Let marinade for 1 hour.

3. Preheat oven to 400F.

4. Bake carrots covered for 30 minutes. Remove cover and bake for an additional 30 minutes.

Note: If you’re using an older pan that doesn’t clean well, this recipe can be a little rough on cookware. I would put down some tinfoil or parchment paper to protect that bottom of the pan.

5. Remove from oven and let cool. Add to hot dog buns and top with your favorite hot dog toppings.


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